Bradford's building business is continuing to boom despite an on-going shortage of workers, a new survey has revealed.

The Federation of Master Builders' latest regional survey showed small and medium firms continued to grow at pace during the second quarter of 2003.

And there was optimism about the future too, at least in the short-term, with workloads and employment levels expected to be sustained or increased in the third quarter.

But seven out of ten Yorkshire builders said they were still struggling to realise their full potential due to a shortage of skilled workers.

The research follows an appeal by Bradford Council for more people to get trained to take advantage of the growing number of jobs available in the construction industry.

It hopes 75 per cent of the labour used on up and coming projects like Manningham Mills and the Broadway shopping centre can be provided locally.

FMB regional director Ron Wilson said: "It is good to see that business remains brisk for builders in the region and that there is optimism that this will continue in future.

"Whilst this growth is great news for our members and the region's economy, the high percentage of builders reporting difficulties recruiting skilled labour is limiting the amount of work that they can take on. The construction industry desperately needs to attract new blood into the industry, both to meet rising demand and keep work out of the hands of 'cowboy' builders."