A mum of three toddlers was left without hot water for more than two months due to bungling housing chiefs.

Melanie Brown, 20, had to take the tots, - one-year-old Shannon, Shane, two, and four-year-old Courtenay - to neighbours for their baths after the boiler was condemned as unfit by engineers.

And she started using paper plates to cut down on washing up due to the lack of hot water.

The single mum, pictured with her children, said she reported there was no hot water to South Bradford Community Housing Trust on June 2 after going to clean the house in Colbrook Avenue, Odsal which she was due to move into the following week.

She said she had contacted the housing office every week but no-one had arrived to install the new boiler.

She said: "I was absolutely disgusted. I have had to take the children to friends for their baths.

"I bathed in cold water but I couldn't do that with the children."

The boiler was finally fixed yesterday and the housing trust also sent a bouquet as an apology, admitting something had "slipped through the net" regarding her complaint.

She said: "I received a letter saying it would be on or before August 6, but nobody arrived on Thursday or Friday.

"They have given me flowers and apologised but it doesn't make up for all the problems."

A spokesman for South Bradford Community Hous-ing Trust said: "She required a new boiler and it was ordered in June. It is a situation where something has fallen through the net."

Bradford Community Housing Trust took over Bradford Council's 26,000 houses last year and plans to spend £175 million over the next five years modernising and improving them.