It is said that lightning never strikes twice.

But try telling that to Oxenhope station master Bob Fearnley, who had a truly shocking experience during only his first week on the job.

The 37-year-old was going about his normal business at the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway station on Monday when the storm clouds started to gather.

Bob said: "I had just put things out on the platform and was getting myself a pot of coffee when I noticed that the storm approaching was looking rather vicious and thought it was best if I went inside the station office.

"The next thing I knew, a bolt of lightning struck the carriages shed and 30 seconds later another hit the station building.

"The lightning had struck the water tower on the platform, which in turn blew up all the electrical equipment and I was lifted off my feet from one side of the room to the other.

"I was left with a semi-circular burn on the left side of my chest from where my pocket watch chain had been hanging."

Bob added: "The station was like something out of Santa's grotto with a blue light around everything.

"I was wearing rubber soled shoes so it could have been much more serious and I count myself rather lucky.

"I was only promoted to station officer a week ago so this is a fantastic way to start off!

"It was a unique experience but it's one I don't really want to go through again."

Bob was not the only one seeking cover, with colleague Wayne Brunton taking shelter beneath a carriage in the shed.

"The carriages shed is earthed but the station isn't, so Wayne fared better than I did," said Bob.

The heritage railway is now faced with the task of replacing all of the electrical items in the station, which were frazzled by the bolt of lightning.