A post office service is to be cut as part of a "cost efficiency" drive to save money.

The callers office at Oakworth Road, Keighley -- where people can collect parcels and buy sundries such as stamps -- will close at 2pm instead of 6pm as of September 1.

The Royal Mail says it will bring the office in line with most others in the UK.

But Tony Jolly, from the Communication Workers Union, believes this will have negative consequences for customers and could result in one job loss.

Mr Jolly said: " A lot of people use this office, either to pick up things that they missed being delivered or to buy stamps and things.

"They want to close early at a time which will really inconvenience people. The service needs to stay open late and it is a service which is used well by people.

"After 2pm people will have to go to the main post office in Keighley, which won't be convenient. Let's not forget that Keighley services people from all over -- from Bradley to Denholme to Bingley.

"Royal Mail says they are bringing it in line with opening hours at the Bradford north and south offices. But this is too much here -- especially since the post office in Halifax Road also recently closed. It will be a worse service for customers and Royal Mail are just riding rough shod over them."

A spokesman for Royal Mail said: "Royal Mail is currently losing an estimated £1 million pounds every day and all parts of the business have been tasked with making savings.

"As part of a cost-efficiency programme across the whole business, the decision has been taken to reduce the callers office opening times at the Keighley delivery office.

"By doing so, we are bringing this office in line with most other callers offices throughout the country. We are confident that this change will not affect the majority of our customers, as the greater part of packets and letters are collected throughout the morning period.

"The cost of keeping the office open in the afternoon cannot be justified given the level of customers visiting at these times.

"However, we have ensured that alternative arrangements have been made for affected customers; they can either collect mail during the revised opening times or utilise the re-delivery option, which is available to all our customers."