An Otley couple who left Yorkshire to follow their dream in Tuscany have had a baby boy there.

The latest fortunes of Sarah and Richard Turnbull can be seen on television over the next five weeks in a new series of the documentary which made them famous.

Tonight, No Going Back: A Year in Tuscany (Channel 4) recaps their story so far, then begins with fresh footage of their struggles to open holiday accommodation on their 15-acre olive farm.

Sarah and Richard Turnbull and their son Gregory, now four, left Otley for Tuscany in May 2002 with just a handful of Italian and some knowledge of gardening. Two weeks ago, Sarah, 29, gave birth to Marco.

In between the two events, they have taken out huge bank loans, harvested their olives for a back-breaking 12 hours a day, suffered crop-destroying bugs and put up with £30,000 worth of renovating headaches and an outdoor organic toilet.

But they love their lifestyle in Italy, despite the teething troubles. Richard, 37, whose parents live in Ilkley, said: "The cameras left us alone for the birth, but filmed us arriving back home with Marco.

"It makes a nice end to the series, which somebody is editing now."

Although the couple do not want to give the game away, the business is becoming successful and internet company Amazon has already sold out of Sarah's new book, Tuscan Living, which hasn't even been publicised yet.

Richard, a Jimmy Saville impersonator and mobile DJ, is bracing himself for a flood of phone calls and e-mails over the next few weeks.

"When No Going Back was first screened in January, people were ringing up during the adverts, saying: 'That's what you are up to', and 'We never knew you had one of those', which was quite strange.

"We can't come home for a while because of the baby, so it's nice for people to get in touch.

"Gregory goes to school now and is virtually fluent in Italian - and we are improving. But he has been frustrated when he wants to play out and the school doesn't think it's warm enough.

"On one occasion, we sent him to school in a t-shirt and he was returned home later in a sweatshirt because they thought it was too cold. He was sweltering!"

Despite an occasional longing for curry, the family's love affair with Italy shows no sign of abating.

"Everything is going really well for us now. We are having experiences we couldn't have dreamed about before," said Richard. "We are staying here as long as the Italians will have us.

Richard and Sarah can be contacted via e-mail at: