Phil Robinson celebrated 10-years active life with a marathon golf session.

Phil, 42, a rugby league referee, keen golfer and voice of the Cougar Park video team, was fitted with a heat pacemaker 10 years ago and wanted to do something to thank the hospital team for giving him a new lease of life.

"There was something wrong with the electrical impulses to my heart and it wasn't working well.

"I was just 32 years of age and thought: 'This isn't going to stop my living life to the full.' Since then I've carried on with refereeing and lived an active life," he said.

Together with clubmates from Riddlesden Golf Club he was playing 72 holes of golf and raisng money for the Cardiac Unit at Airedale Hopsital.

"They were very good to me when I needed them and I want to give bit back to say thankyou," he said.