Firstly I would like to congratulate the players for their effort last weekend. I had publicly critised our enthusiasm, commitment and desire in recent weeks, and before the game I aksed them to go out and prove to everybody (including themselves) that we were still well and truly in the promotion race.

The lads came up trumps with a solid performance that hopefully was a signal that our desire is most definatly still there. This Sunday's game at Barrow will be another test of character.

If you remember the Barrow game at home Olly Wilkes received some real roughhouse treatment from his Cumbrian brothers. I am sure Oliver will be relishing the chance to mix it once again in his homeland - best keep your head down Olly.

I wonder how many of you saw the Rhinos v Bulls game last Friday evening - what a cracker!

Just as I was settling down for the kick-off my mobile rang it was a mate of mine offering to back Leeds. Now being an ex-Leeds player and having played in many derby games against the arch rivals I was reluctant to back against my old team. However, on recent form I had a sneaky feeling for the Bulls so I accepted his offer and had a few bob on Bradford.

It was the strangest feeling, shouting and cheering for the side that I had backed against and when the Bulls finally won 18-16 I felt gutted even though I was quids in.

I also came over very guilty and wondered if I had put the hoodoo on the Rhinos. I hope Ian Sinfield doesn't read this and tell Kevin -- I would probably be barred from the ex-players reunions at Headingley for the next ten years !

Finally I would like to say well done to the Academy youngsters for their great win over Super League outfit London Broncos last weekend at Cougar Park.

The young lads have been growing in confidence in recent weeks and were desperatly unlucky to lose at Widnes the week before.

The lads have their final two games of the season at Cougar Park against Wakefield Widcats (this Saturday) and Featherstone Rovers the following week, why not come down and cheer them on.