The state of near-anarchy which is making life difficult at present for residents in parts of Great Horton is very disturbing. According to police and the ward councillor, child gangs are leaving a trail of destruction, including slashing the tyres of dozens of cars. They have even threatened to burn down the village hall, which is currently being restored.

What is particularly worrying is that some of the youngsters involved are said to be no more than ten years old and are being influenced into their bad behaviour by older boys.

Ward Councillor the Reverend Paul Flowers has described the child gangs as being "particularly sinister" and says he suspects there are some quite vicious individuals involved.

As a recent horrific Bradford court case has demonstrated only too sickeningly, if such individuals are allowed to grow up with their activities unchecked they can become brutal members of adult gangs.

These young tearaways need to be stopped now. The police say they have mounted patrols in that area (as indeed they should) and are liaising with Bradford Council's anti-social team. A number of arrests have already been made.

Controlling these children is the responsibility of the whole community - from members of the public who are needed to identify the culprits to the courts who must deal with them firmly and wisely.

But above all they are the responsibility of their parents who must do more to ensure that they know where their children are and what they are up to before they further drag down the area of Bradford in which they all live.