When Bradfordian Hasan Jamal visited a small village in Pakistan the last thing he expected to hear was a broad Yorkshire accent.

But when he inquired about the familiar tone, he was stunned to discover the stranger had followed his same 4,000-mile journey from the city.

And now he is trying to trace the mystery man - who comes from the BD8 area - who handed him an expensive gift in a village store.

"It was a surreal experience," said Mr Jamal, pictured, of Southampton Street, Undercliffe, who was visiting the small village in Mirpur.

He had travelled to the region for a three-month trip to live and work at a Pakistani orphanage.

He said: "I went into a shop to buy part of the Koran on cassette and heard a man talking with a Yorkshire accent.

"When I asked the man where he was from he said Bradford. I couldn't believe it."

After striking up a conversation with the man, Mr Jamal explained how he had only converted to Islam two years ago.

He said the stranger was so pleased that he presented him with a 45-cassette collection of the full Koran as a welcome to the Islamic faith.

"I was so touched by what he did," said Mr Jamal.

"He didn't want any thanks or fuss. He just wanted to give me the gift because he was so pleased I had converted to Islam. I was very humbled by it."

The Bradford man then posed for a picture with Mr Jamal, but did not give his name or any other information about himself.

Mr Jamal said: "I would like to trace him and his family just to say thank you."

Anyone with information is asked to call Mr Jamal on (01274) 633974.