Amateur astronomers Mike and Helen Alexander are leaving Bradford to open a Scottish bed and breakfast - especially for sky-gazing holidays.

The Eccleshill couple, pictured, who met at Bradford Astronomical Society, believe their new venture together was definitely in their stars.

They are planning to build an observatory in the half acre grounds of their new Galloway home when they move in next month.

Mike has bought a new 16ins telescope to take pride of place in it.

"There's no light pollution where we'll be. It's perfect for star-gazing," said Helen.

They're hoping their B&B will attract keen astronomers from across the UK and abroad wanting to combine their hobby with a holiday in Scotland.

Mike and Helen, who've just spent a week at an astronomers' hotel in Portugal picking up ideas for their own B&B, said that as far as they knew their's would be the first star-gazing B&B in Scotland.

Running a B&B will be an adventure all of its own, said Mike, an engineer, and Helen, who is a nanny.

Mike, who has been into astronomy for more than 30 years with a passion for star clusters, nebulas and our galaxy, showed Helen the ropes when she joined the local Astronomical Society as a complete beginner.

Now she's over the moon that in the space of three years, she's not only got herself a fascinating hobby but a husband and business as well.

"It must all have been in the stars," she said.