A police commander has written to nearly 5,000 householders in a crime hotspot, urging them to be more watchful after a surge in burglaries coincided with the recent surge in temperatures.

Chief Superintendent Phil Read, of the Bradford North division, has warned people in the Bolton and Eccleshill areas that they are vulnerable to sneak-in burglars if they leave doors and windows open to cool down.

"Burglars are simply walking into your homes through unlocked doors and stealing the first available items, usually handbags, credit cards," he says in the letter.

"Imagine the sheer inconvenience of cancelling cards, arranging new locks, as well as the value of the property stolen."

Two thirds of burglaries in the Bolton and Eccleshill areas are estimated to be preventable by residents taking on board simple crime prevention measures, says Ch Supt Read.

"Modern cars are harder to steal without the keys so burglars are looking for an opportunity to steal the car keys from your homes before driving your cars out of the driveway.

"Typically thieves are targeting keys which are left on view. Keep car keys with you at all times - even take them to bed with you.

"Please lock your doors, even during the day, and especially when you are gardening or having a barbecue.

"And before going to bed make sure you close and lock all downstairs windows.

"Help us to help you. We have reduced burglaries by 21 per cent since April this year compared with the same period last year, but local people can help to make this area even safer by keeping their car keys safe and locking their doors."

Crime prevention advice is available on the West Yorkshire Police website at www.westyorkshire.police.uk.

Alternatively, people are asked to contact their local crime reduction team on 0845 6060606.