There sometimes seem to be no limits to the stupidity of some young people. If there is something dangerous, disruptive and downright foolhardy to be done, they will do it.

The youths who are currently getting their kicks and seeking to impress their peers by leaping from the top of a bus shelter on to the roofs of single-decker buses in West Bowling are risking death or serious injury. That, some people might consider, is their business. If they want to put themselves in danger, then let them.

However, their actions are potentially damaging to many people other than themselves. Apart from "bus surfing" they are also throwing stones at buses, switching off the engines using the emergency stop button and abusing drivers and passengers.

It is understandable, in the circumstances, that the managers of bus company First Bradford should now be considering diverting bus services away from the most troubled areas of the Parkside estate as they did some years ago on Ravenscliffe. An alternative, suggested by Councillor Ann Ozolins, a member of the West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Authority, is for bus shelters to be taken away.

Both of these solutions would cause hardship to the law-abiding majority of people who rely on the bus service. Indeed, diverting the buses could mean that some were no longer able to go out.

Yet again the troublesome minority are forcing the agenda. They will continue to get away with it unless the bus operator, the police, the courts and above all the general public combine forces to bring them into line.