LARGE crowds are expected to head for Burley-in-Wharfedale this weekend to sample the horticultural delights of the 2003 Annual Show.

Burley Gardeners' Assoc-iation has introduced a whole range of new classes in everything from baking to fruit growing in a bid to match the success of last year's event, which attracted record numbers.

There will also be displays featuring Burley Nature Reserve and Burley Art Club at the show, which takes place in the Queen's Hall, on Main Street, from 2.15pm to 4.45pm on Sunday.

Yorkshire Television weather presenter Jon Mitchell will present the prizes to each of the category winners before the day ends, as always, with a grand auction.

Schedules can still be obtain-ed from Burley Library or by calling Association Chairman Angus MacIntosh on 01943 862750.