ONE of the most popular events at Bolton Abbey's fete was the worm charming competition.

In a metre square area of grass participants used a gardening fork to pierce the surface of the grass. They then moved the fork whilst in the ground, which apparently charms the worms to the surface when the fork is removed.

Helena Crabtree emerged as worm charmer supreme with 10 worms

The fete was held to raise funds for Bolton Abbey Priory Church and there was strong support from the local community and visitors alike. The Priory Church committee expect that the final total raised will be in excess of £2,500.

Just like the Bolton Abbey bazaar 100 years ago, some of the money will go towards repairing the church organ.

A competition was held for witches and wizards fancy dress and the best witch costume was won by Jessie Crabtree. The best wizard costume was won by Robert Winterburn.

Children from the Boyle and Petyt School at Beamsley entered a painting competition, sponsored by Frank Lambert and on theme Bolton Abbey. The judges had a real task finding a winner but came up with: 1 Ryan Grange (age 10), 2 Scott Rogers (age eight), 3 Nicholas Hartley (age nine); highly commended Poppy Fox (age six) and Sarah Petty (age 10).

The photograph competition sponsored by Annings of Ilkley and again on the theme Bolton Abbey was won by Freya Ross (age six) while the adult class was won by Roger Davey

Jean Walker won the 'guess the weight of the cake' competition.

There were numerous children's races which also proved popular but unfortunately we do not have the names of the winners. However, every child was a winner as all participants received a lollipop for their efforts.