A campaign group is to hold a demonstration against the building of houses on school land.

The Save Mirfield campaign has now been running for a number of years, since local residents first objected to plans to build a residential development on land at Castle Hall School in the town.

Campaigner Tim Conolly said the grant-maintained school's playing field area was designated in the Unitary Development Plan as Open Urban Greenspace (OUG).

He said the school had a partnership with developers Miller Homes, who wanted to build 29 homes on just less than 20 per cent of the school's playing fields. In return, it would build the school a new sports hall.

Mr Connoly said the latest application had been submitted by Magellan Residential, on behalf of Miller Homes.

"On three previous occasions in the last two years, the school tried to finance a new sports hall by selling part of the land granted to them for housing," he said.

"If the plans had been approved, some OUG would have been lost under housing and some under all weather playing fields."

Despite being rejected three times, a fourth planning application for the houses has now been submitted. Mr Connoly said Mirfield Town Council had resisted earlier planning applications, but its Plans Scrutiny Committee passed the latest planning application, subject to its being approved by Kirklees Council.

The plans are expected to be considered by the Heavy Woollen planning sub-committee in the coming months.

The demonstration takes place at 2pm on Sunday from Gilder Hall field in Wellhouse Lane.

The protestors are expected to be led by horses and a piper. Kirklees councillors have been invited to attend.