Another 30 speed cameras could be installed at accident blackspots across the Brad-ford district.

Locations for 12 Gatso cameras - yellow boxes on top of grey pillars - include Horton Grange Road, Otley Road, St Enochs Road, Westgate and White Abbey Road in Bradford.

Ten speed cameras could be positioned along two different sections of Bradford Road in Batley.

And an application has been made to install four cameras on the A65 at Manor Park near Burley-in-Wharfedale.

Motorists may also have to pass a further four cameras on the A644 Brighouse and Den-holme Road in Queensbury.

Plans for the cameras have been submitted by the West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partnership to the Department for Transport for approval during the 2004/05 financial year.

Eleven locations have also been identified for mobile speed-camera patrols in Brad-ford (see panel).

Steve Thornton, a principal traffic engineer with Bradford Council and chairman of the West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partner-ship, said the success of other fixed-camera sites in cutting speeds and casualties was a factor in applying to install more cameras.

"There has been an immediate response shown in the significant reduction of injuries on the roads treated and in the support that has been shown from local people in the move to control road speeds and prevent death and injury," he said.

Bradford Council's latest road-injury figures show that 26 people were killed on the district's roads last year.

But Mr Thornton said fatalities were down by 20 per cent across West Yorkshire in 2002 compared to the year before.

"It is too early to assess the long-term affects of our developing speed management strategy," he said.

"But it is encouraging that fatalities are down and that there have been significant reductions in injuries to pedestrians and cyclists."

Across West Yorkshire, 14 stretches of road have been nominated for fixed cameras, while 21 meet the specifications for mobile cameras.

Drivers filmed exceeding the speed limit risk a fixed penalty of £60 and three penalty points on their licence.

Factors for roads to qualify for fixed cameras include four fatalities or serious injuries per kilometre on the stretch in the past three years and at least 20 per cent of drivers must have exceeded the speed limit.