Police are to take no action against the former management committee of a community centre after they were called in to investigate allegations of fraud.

The Bangladesh Porishad was temporarily closed when its new committee handed the keys to Bradford Council in October because its members complained they were receiving insufficient support from the authority after calling in auditors to review the previous regime's finances.

A report of the auditors' findings was passed to police who started an inquiry.

But today a police spokesman said: "We have looked into the matter and no further action will be taken."

The Council also said that Porishad was an independent organisation which should resolve its own issues and gave the keys to trustee Abu Bashir. Volunteers have now stepped in to help open and run the community centre in Cornwall Road, Manningham.

Mr Bashir, president of the former management committee at the centre of the dispute with the new regime, which took over last December following an election, said he was delighted by the police decision.

"It vindicates us. We always wanted the police to look into it," he said.

He said the volunteers were now running sport and community activities. He said they were hoping to get interim funding from social services to re-open day care sessions for elderly people. Mr Bashir said anyone who wanted to help in the centre should call (01274) 722069.

Councillor Intkhab Alam (Con, Undercliffe) welcomed the return of the community facilities at the centre but he said he wanted to see a management committee elected by the majority of the community.

"There is still conflict but I don't think people in need of services should suffer," he said.