It seems ironic that just as Bingley relief road is opened, the group that has long campaigned for it to be built with a view to improving the lot of people in Bingley is to fold. Officials of the Better Bingley Campaign have said that only "a miracle" will stop them formally winding up the organisation at their extraordinary general meeting tomorrow evening.

Well, perhaps not quite. What the Better Bingley Campaign needs is simply an injection of new blood to continue the fight for the ongoing betterment of this historic community.

Current secretary Donald Wood, 74, has decided not to stand for re-election this year, as has chairman Keith Yardley. Younger people are needed to take up the baton and continue to fight for Bingley, but there seems to be little interest.

The Bingley relief road may now be a reality, but the committee feel there is much to do. They have long sounded the call for investment in Bingley to make it a tourist attraction to rival Ilkley. The relief road is only part of the story. The group has also run campaigns to save the police station and post office from closure, created the popular Riverside Walk, and run numerous clean-up operations in and around the town.

Maybe people think that with the opening of the relief road and the diverting of traffic away from the town centre, the job is done, although the campaigners know there is still a long way to go.

Perhaps Mr Wood will get his "miracle", and at tomorrow evening's meeting at Bingley Town Hall a new generation of Better Bingley Campaigners will put their names forward to help drive forward the regeneration of the town.