WHARFEDALE Rams' game at Wibsey in Yorkshire Five North-West was abandoned by the referee after 61 minutes due to a mass brawl.

Both sides gave conflicting views as to what started the incident, but the matter will be dealt by the league following a report from the referee.

Wharfedale coach Terry Bell said he totally supported the referee's decision to abandon the game and said that he would have taken his players off anyway as he felt their safety could not be guaranteed.

A player from both sides had been sent off earlier in the second half.

Players from both sides were left with black eyes and one Wharfedale player was left with a broken finger after claiming he had been stamped on.

Bell said that he believed the Rams were the ones who were sinned against rather than the sinners. He said the Wibsey side had showed a mob mentality and that his players, of which five or six were under 20, were left shocked by the incident. He added that it had been a sad day for rugby.

Wibsey's prop and press officer Paul Garside said it was the worst fighting he had seen during his time as a player.

The score was 0-0 when the match was abandoned.