The masterplan for the regeneration of Airedale is imaginative, ambitious and according to the man behind it "achievable". It is a strategic vision for the Aire Valley which builds on what is already there to transform and improve a part of the district which has huge potential. The measures proposed under the masterplan would make it a very desirable place to work and live and, consequently, to establish businesses.

The rural landscape would be enhanced and made more accessible. Leisure and cultural facilities for residents and visitors would be expanded and improved in Shipley, Bingley and Keighley. More and more people would be encouraged to live in the centres of the towns. The success of Pace and Filtronic has already established a strong base in the area for the expansion of hi-tech industry, innovation and education envisaged in the plan.

The blueprint is not designed to be a quick fix. It foresees a 15-year timescale during which a great deal of work would need to be done to generate funding for the successive stages.

But the key to its success will be transport, as the report admits. The present problems involved in moving about the Aire Valley despite the huge benefits to Bingley brought by the relief road show the desperate need to sort out communications if the area is to flourish.

Many of these problems are addressed in the report - including the need for a Shipley by-pass tunnel linking Canal Road with the A650 at Nab Wood. They must be given the highest priority because until they are solved the rest of the blueprint will be badly handicapped.