The widow of a man who was instrumental in bringing a prestigious street music festival to Shipley has encouraged people to enjoy the event in memory of him.

Ann Perry, whose husband Roger was one of the founder members of the Bradford Voices community choir, said he would have been pleased to see people enjoying the 23rd National Street Music Festival when it comes in Shipley and Saltaire in May.

Mr Perry, 65, who died after falling down a steep embankment while gardening at

his home on February 9, organised the festival last

time it came to Bradford five

years ago.

Mrs Perry said: "Roger really enjoyed organising the last street music festival, and compering the concert in St George's Hall.

"He would have loved bringing so many people together to sing in Shipley for the next one this May.

"He has a real ability to motivate other people to work together, and particularly to encourage musicians to perform. He was a lovely man, who will be missed by many people."

Mr Perry, of Eccleshill, helped to establish Bradford Voices in 1996 and two years ago set up the Music Club at Rawdon Quaker Meeting House to create a supportive atmosphere for musical performers.

Originally from Bristol, the father of three was trained as an accountant and moved to Bradford in 1968.

While in Bradford he took a degree in applied social studies and afterwards worked for the probation service and as a community worker and social worker in the city.

Mr Perry was one of the founders of MIND in Bradford in 1985, was on the board of SENSE and was involved with other charities.

Fellow member of Bradford Voices and this year's festival organising group, Keith Lander said: "Roger had already put a lot of time and effort into getting things going before he died.

"We're determined to make this festival happen as we know that Roger would not have wanted us to give up."

A memorial event is being held on Sunday where many past musicians at the Music Club will be performing in memory of him.

l Shipley Street Music Festival is taking place on May 20th to the 22nd. The festival will see 200 singers from 20 community choirs across the UK come to perform in the town's streets and community venues.

It will centre on the theme of world harmony. Local businesses are invited to sponsor the event, either by offering a donation or help to print posters and leaflets.

Volunteers are also needed to accommodate visiting singers coming from all over the country. If people can help us they should contact Mr Lander on 07950 471456 or e-mail: