Success in reducing homelessness in Bradford has led to a Government award for the city's main housing provider.

Bradford Community Housing Trust Group, which manages 25,000 properties across the district, is to show councils and housing groups across the country how it gets people off the streets.

It is one of two agencies in Yorkshire to be selected to take part in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's new Homelessness Regional Champions Programme.

Bradford CHT was chosen because of its success in reducing homelessness.

Among its schemes are a housing service giving advice on tenancy issues, a tenancy support scheme which offers help to families unable to cope and a mediation service for young people left homeless after arguments at home.

Geraldine Howley, chief executive of Bradford CHTG, said: "We are very pleased the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister should award us regional champions status.

"We are now able to share this expertise with others in a combined approach to a difficult problem."

The news was welcomed by Shipley-based homeless charity Nightstop UK.

Chief officer Greg Thomson said: "I am not surprised they have been picked. It is certainly a positive achievement."

The Champion scheme is part of a new Government initiative which pledges significant investment in preventing homelessness and aims to halve the number of people living in temporary accommodation by 2010.