Melissa King fears that a lack of cash could scupper her hopes of a dream trip.

The 20-year-old from Esholt has been chosen to represent Great Britain in the World Kickboxing Championships at Niagara Falls in November.

But she is struggling to raise the £1,000 she needs to make the trip to Canada as neither the England World Karate Association nor Bradford-based Fight Club, where she trains, can help her out.

"I have to pay for my own flight, accommodation and competitors' insurance," said Melissa, who is an accounts assistant at Richmond Insurance Brokers in Bradford.

"And the only firm offer I have at the moment is from my uncle John King, who works for Harmony Contract Flooring in Low Moor," said Melissa,

"My workplace have helped me out in the past with my expenses, but there is only so much they can do."

Melissa, who is a 1st Dan black belt and took up kickboxing six years ago, qualified for the World Champi-onships by winning the under-63kg division in the British National Champion-ships in Manchester last month.

She said: "I only took it up in the first place to keep fit, but then I really got into it and found out that I enjoyed it."

Former Prince Henry's Grammar School pupil Melissa, who took A-levels in business studies and maths at Bradford College, has been a member of the Tong Street-based Fight Club for five years.

Competitors from over 80 countries are expected to take part in the World Championships. Anyone who can help Melissa - who has already represented her club and city in Europe (Italy and Germany) on a number of occasions - can contact her on 07766-544929.