A ten-year-old boy with a brain tumour has won a top bravery award - and so has his little brother.

Daniel Wilkinson, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour a year ago, was honoured for his courage by a Bradford-based charity at its award ceremony on Tuesday with his eight-year-old brother Liam by his side.

The brothers, who live in Silsden with their parents Tracey and David, were among 12 youngsters from West Yorkshire named at the brain tumour charity's first Kids of Courage Awards.

Carol Robertson, from Andrea's Gift, which organised the awards, said nine of the children nominated had undergone treatment to fight their tumours and the other three were their brothers and sisters who had shown bravery. Bradford Bulls, the city's National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, and even pop band Westlife have lent their support by donating prizes for the youngsters.

Andrea's Gift, which has its head office in Toller Lane, was set up by staff at publishing firm Emerald after their colleague Andrea Key died at 42 of a brain tumour, and has raised more than £82,000 in two years to help researchers at Leeds Teaching Hospitals find out more about tumours and how they can be treated.

The charity also provides equipment for patients at home and in hospital wards and helps offer respite care.

The registered charity works in conjunction with medics to raise awareness of childhood and adult brain tumours, fund research and provide support to people across Yorkshire.

Daniel's family has raised £6,500 for the charity since he was diagnosed.

The youngsre has been charging bedside visitors £1 to have a cup of tea with him and got family, friends and local businesses, including Skipton Building Society, to donate money and organise activities, such as balloon races and cake stalls. Mother Tracey said both her sons had given 100 per cent to fundraising to help make sure others did not have to go through what they have endured.

Daniel has had six bouts of chemotherapy so far and is facing two more. Tracey said: "He has had surgery and has had radiotherapy, now it's chemo he's having to contend with. He has bad days and good days and we just try to keep his spirits up. Getting the award has really given him and Liam a lift."

Daniel goes to Hothfield Junior School but has had to stay at home recently because of the risk of him catching a bug. Tracey said: "It's wonderful that the awards have also recognised the siblings of children who are ill. It's not just the one with the brain tumour who suffers."

To find out more about Andrea's Gift, telephone (01274) 785092.