Among the ranks, at all levels of the Royal Dragoon Guards, is a hardcore of proud Yorkshiremen.

Many of them joined up in the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, which recruits in the heart of West Yorkshire and was amalgamated to form the Royal Dragoon Guards 13 years ago.

They are normally based at Munster in Germany, but are serving as part of the 4th Armoured Brigade in and around Basrah, in Southern Iraq.

Lance Corporal Jason Beckett, 22, from Braithwaite, is a driver- operator for the tank squadron leader. He is currently based at Umm Qasr, not for from the Kuwait border.

He was on duty during election day, guarding the main building where all the votes were being collected.

He said: "At first it was really stressful being out here, not knowing what to expect. But I feel a lot more at ease now, especially after a break back home."

He added: "None of the family reckon we should be out here. I have a brother in the Royal Signals and he has been out here too.

"But we have a job to do and it really is great to see the results."

He is due home in a few weeks to be reunited with his fiancee Amanda Waite and their daughter Hollie Jane, two.

Amanda is currently studying business administration at Keighley College.