Former South Craven pupil Private Richard Pickles has told of his pride in helping the people of Iraq rebuild their lives.

The 20-year-old is on a six month tour of duty with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, based at the former Shatt al-Arab Hotel in Basrah.

The soldiers live in huge tented accommodation on the "dry base" --which means alcohol free.

The daily duties of Richard, formerly of Silsden but now living in Cross Hills, include going out on patrol, either in 'snatch' vehicles -- modified armoured high-speed Land Rovers -- on foot or in boats checking the Shatt waterway.

Said Richard: "Sometimes it feels like routine work. But I don't mind being out here at all. There haven't been any incidents while I have been out on patrol.

"That is good because it shows we are doing our job."

He added: "In January the first elections were held in Iraq. We didn't know what to expect. I was out during the day on general patrol but there was no trouble. It felt good to know that we were helping people rebuild their lives."

Of life in the camp he said: "It is a long stretch out here. You can't go out of the camp and it is a dry base.

"On Christmas Eve we were allowed to have two cans of beer.

"I have been home on leave and that was good fun. I miss having a good night out."