A football club is hoping a casino night will raise much-needed funds after a fire destroyed a cabin containing vast amounts of equipment.

Arsonists set fire to Silsden's pitch-side cabin in January, costing the club around £10,000 in lost kit and equipment, which had been used by its youth teams.

The club now hopes to make £3,000 from the casino evening to replace some of the lost items, and also to help establish an academy under 19s side.

Club chairman Sean McNulty said: "We sent letters out to businesses in Silsden two weeks ago. The response started off a bit slow, but once word got around it went from strength to strength. We've now had a great response from businesses. They have donated all sorts of gifts, and my house is currently stacked full of them."

The donations will be auctioned off at the end of the evening.

The club has slowly been recovering from the fire, with junior teams currently sharing kit.

The club has also received an offer of a new steel container to replace the gutted cabin, which the club hopes will be set up over the summer.

Meanwhile, the club hopes the academy side, which will start playing next year, will bridge the gap between junior football and the senior game. Currently the oldest junior sides are under 16s.

"The money from the casino night had initially been set aside to fund the academy side," said Mr McNulty.

"We're still going to go ahead with that, but now a proportion will also have to go on kit and equipment."

The casino night takes place at Silsden Town Hall, on April 2, starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £5, which include some money for the casino and a pie and pea supper. They are available on the door or by phoning Mr McNulty on 07900 162370.