A series of lights could be put around Keighley's war memorial to brighten up the monument and the town square.

The pictured demonstration, given by Bradford Council's Street Scene department, took place last Thursday evening.

Members of Keighley Town Council, which has prompted a series of projects on the war memorial, attended the presentation to give their judgement.

Cllr Bob Horrell said: "We want to illuminate the area in addition to the street lamps. This is to increase the light intensity. I think it will be wonderful."

The town council is working with Bradford Council to improve the war memorial by carrying out work to clean and restore the statue and brickwork.

If permission is given by the War Memorials Trust, railings will also be erected around the base to prevent damage by skateboarders.

The lighting idea is the brainchild of Cllr Andrew Mallinson, chairman of Keighley Anti-Crime Partnership.

He said: "On an evening, it does look very dark in the centre of town. The lighting will discourage anyone from loitering around that area for whatever purpose."

A number of options for the lighting have been proposed - they include either two or three clusters of aerial lighting, ground-based spotlighting similar to that around Keighley Shared Church or a combination of the two.

Town Hall square was a stoneyard until the early 20th century. The war memorial was added in December 1924.

Currently there are four pairs of lights at the corners of the square.