CRAVEN Herald photographer Stephen Garnett has been chosen as the Newsquest photographer of the year - his award winning images can be seen by clicking on the link to the left.

Photographers from more than 300 newspapers owned by the United Kingdom's second largest newspaper publisher compete for the award

Stephen beat a photographer from the Herald, the Glasgow-based newspaper which circulates throughout Scotland, to the title.

He was chosen by the Sun's associate editor, Geoff Webster, who commented: "He has produced a wonderful portfolio of images from routine assignments that less gifted photographers would not have had the imagination to capture.

"His work stands out given the limited picture opportunities in a sparsely populated area."

Stephen had to produce six pictures, all used in the Craven Herald in the past year.

"Stephen's honour is a recognition of his imagination in taking good pictures rather than just lining people up and pressing a button," said Herald editor Ian Lockwood. "I was particularly pleased the judge recognised that he did not have a wealth of major armed incidents, launches of huge liners, terrorist explosions or armed sieges to flesh out his entry.

"But he has captured rural life and produced eye-catching, dramatic images."