A mother-of-two who was left paralysed by an insulin overdose six years ago has died.

Debbie Brown, 32, died yesterday at Lister House Nursing Home in Heaton, Bradford.

Her parents Pearl and Derek Brown, of Wrose, Shipley, who have been caring for their daughter and fundraising for pioneering treatment in Germany, were by her side.

Debbie, a former horse riding instructor, had been in a persistent vegetative state after she was found unconscious at her home in Wakefield Road, Bradford in July, 1999.

Mystery surrounds how she came to overdose on the insulin and her heartbroken parents have now been told a post mortem examination will be held. Her parents are convinced that she did not administer the overdose herself.

Mrs Brown said: "She was full of life, she was happy and she was looking forward to going abroad when I last spoke to her." The drug left Debbie barely able to move and unable to speak. She needed around the clock care and had spent the past three years at Lister House Nursing Home. Although unable to communicate verbally, Debbie was able to move her eyes towards voices and people in the room and her parents could tell when she was distressed or happy. Her parents, who visited her daily, took her home and for day trips and did much of the caring. They had also fundraised to provide care for Debbie and had hoped to send her to the specialist neurological Schmieder clinic in Germany for treatment.

The money left in Debbie's trust fund will now be given to charity. Mrs Brown thanked everyone who had cared for Debbie and the many people and businesses that had been involved with the fundraising for her.

A funeral has not yet been arranged.