Get these idiots off our roads...

SIR - How I agree with the words of Gary Lorriman (T&A Letters, March 10) regarding the number of people caught driving without car tax, insurance, MOT or licences.

Why doesn't the law come down harder on these people, most of whom re-offend over and over again?

The police must be sick of it. We, the honest drivers in England, are too.

We should all write to our MPs to push for jail sentences and if there aren't enough jails build them and put more unemployed to work not only in construction but as warders and cooks etc.

Get these idiots who care only about themselves off the roads. Take the vehicles from them and sell them to raise money for the council and police force.

Maybe then both Mr Lorriman and I, along with thousands more, will be satisfied.

Jenny Sampson, Rossmore Drive, Allerton.

Lights need fixing

SIR - Regarding the article about defective street lighting in Bradford (T&A, March 4), I agree that there is a major problem.

I contacted Bradford Highways and Street Lighting Department on January 20 to report two defective street lights opposite my house. I was told that they would be duly repaired.

I rang back again on February 8 to find out when the repairs were likely to take place and was told that it would be 'in the next couple of days'. To date these lights have still not been repaired. How long should it take?

Surely this is an open invitation to burglars? The lights in question were only erected a couple of years ago.

With the increase in council tax due in a fortnight, I think Bradford Council should get its act together.

Mrs G Milling, Sapgate Lane, Thornton.

Rubbish service

SIR - On February 25, my paper recycling bin should have been emptied. Needless to say it wasn't.

This is quite normal as in the time we have had it, approximately a year, it has only been emptied about four times, despite repeated telephone calls and a letter to my councillor.

On March 3 I rang the cleansing department yet again and on this occasion I was told that they could not tell me when or even if it would be emptied. This is because they have neither the staff nor the resources with which to operate the recycling scheme.

It seems strange to me that in some parts of Bradford people can have bins not only for paper but also for other kinds of rubbish and I can't even get my paper bin emptied.

Do some people pay more council tax than others which gives them privileges the rest of us do not enjoy?

We take all our glass, tins and plastic to Morrisons at Thornbury. Does this entitle us to a reduction in our council tax?

Perhaps John Turner can offer some explanation for this. I will be interested to hear his excuses.

E L Roberts, Heath Terrace, Bradford.

l John Turner, Principal Cleansing Officer, replies: "The routes that our vehicles follow are recorded each day and clearly show our recycling vehicle visited Heath Terrace on the collection days for that area, January 28 and February 22. Before this, collections were made on the dates shown on the bin stickers.

"I have spoken to the crew covering the area and they said that the recycling bin was not left out for collection at the house. However, I can confirm we emptied the bin on Tuesday, March 8.

"I would urge all residents to make sure they place their bins by the kerbside either the night before or first thing in the morning on the local collection day."

A great idea

SIR - Graham Hoyle's suggestion (T&A, March 7) that MPs should set up a website allowing their constituents to vote on topical issues of the day, and then publishing the results is an excellent one.

In replying to his challenge I can confirm that I would be more than happy to do this, and that I will do it, if elected, with enthusiasm.

It is vital that politicians of all parties get closer to the people they are elected to represent, and do things to restore the public's faith in them.

This is a great idea which would help with that.

Philip Davies, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Shipley, Hartlington Court, Baildon, Shipley.

Figures, please

SIR - I am glad other readers take David Rhodes to task in his unquestioning support of the beloved leader of the party he obviously supports. Instead of quoting figures bandied about by Tony Blair, will he give the net increases in the number of additional nurses the billions poured into the NHS have brought about?

With regard to sustenance provided for children at school under Margaret Thatcher and Blair, a government has a duty to provide universal education but not food. Families are provided with child allowances to pay for an apple, orange or milk every day for each child of the family.

A government should not have to provide transport to schools, either. I used to walk from Windhill to the top of the Branch (at least three miles) and back every day come rain or shine.

P E Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley.

Protecting public

SIR - Philip Davies regularly accuses me of being a do-gooder.

He will therefore be mightily surprised to learn that I have nothing but contempt for those politicians and organisations such as Liberty who insist that the human rights of a few terrorist suspects are more important than those of the rest of us who expect to go about our daily lives without fear of being blown to pieces.

Once again, Charles Kennedy has misread the mood of the public and Michael Howard cannot make up his mind so it has been left to Charles Clarke and Tony Blair to put in place a few rules to keep the suicide bombers off our streets.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley.

Fait accompli?

SIR - so the "Lake plan edges closer" (T&A, March 8) even though "no firm decision has been taken" about its creation.

On the other hand, "the former Odeon cinema is due to be demolished"! Not "could be, would be, may be, or might be", but "is due to be". It's all in the wording.

When exactly was this decision taken, and by whom? The Council, Maud Marshall, the T&A?

Kenneth A Webster, Abb Scott Lane, Bradford.

A matching pair

SIR - Two letters and Mike Priestley's article (T&A March 12) all make the same point - think hard before destroying one of the city's most notable landmarks.

It sits beside the Alhambra and they are a matched pair. The Alhambra demonstrates the demand for theatre in our town; maybe the Odeon could show us the demand for a concert hall.

Tonight you had some commonsense on the issue. Can you lead a campaign to explore the issue properly? The exhibition last year, lakes and all, assumed the Odeon was gone. It hasn't though, has it?

J A Hackett, Dean Close, Bradford.

Carpet query

SIR - I have visited Bradford Library on two occasions recently, to carry out some research on Springfield Mills in Keighley, on behalf of a client of Keighley and District Local History Society, and both visits have been fruitful.

I have only today seen your article "Demolition of library in regeneration plan" (T&A March 9). Why is it, then that a new carpet is being fitted in the customer reception area?

Barbara Klempka, Secretary of Keighley and District Local History Society, Box Tree Grove, Long Lee, Keighley.