A Bradford couple have made an official complaint after what they claim was heavy-handed policing during a night out.

Claire Cyprien has written to West Yorkshire Police, calling for an inquiry into whether officers used excessive force when her husband Joseph was arrested in Bradford city centre.

In her complaint, Mrs Cyprien says her husband was pinned to the floor, sprayed with CS gas and handcuffed excessively tightly despite putting up no resistance to being arrested.

She also questions why her husband was arrested at all, as he and his friends all deny any threatening or aggressive behaviour.

Joseph, along with his brother Wayne Cyprien and friends Gareth Bean, Nile Hussain and Donovan Murphy, were all arrested in Darley Street in the early hours of March 7 and held in cells overnight.

All five men received fixed penalty notices of £80 each for public disorder.

In her letter, Mrs Cyprien says: "I wish for an inquiry to be made into the actions of your officers and whether 'reasonable force' was used in their handling of the situation, or whether in fact it was 'excessive force'.

"This is astonishing and extremely unprofessional conduct."

Joseph Cyprien, 25, an electrician, said: "The police were very heavy-handed. They pounced on us and did not give us a chance to explain.

"The police have a hard job to do but the attitude of the officers that night was all wrong."

On the night of the incident Mr Cyprien had been out in the city centre with five friends to celebrate a victory for Bradford boxer Femi Fehntola.

Richard Harris, who was one of the men with him, said: "We were heading toward the taxi rank, just having some harmless banter when police approached us.

"The police used a ridiculous amount of force. Not one of us was being in any way confrontational yet the police were swinging batons and pushing us to the ground."

Mr Harris, who was not arrested, has also made an official complaint to the police over the conduct of the arresting officers.

Nile Hussain said: "None of us were being violent, none of us were aggressive and none of us have a clue how this happened."

A statement from Bradford Police said: "We can confirm five men were arrested on March 7 in the early hours of the morning in the centre of Bradford when police were dealing with some street disorder. All five men were dealt with by way of fixed penalty notices for disorder.

"West Yorkshire police has an established complaints procedure in force and any complaints made are fully investigated. If people have issues with the way they have been dealt with by the police they should use this procedure."