Police and students, including a teenage stabbing victim, united today to give Bradford a message: Guns and knives – Not in Our City.

In the last six months there have been 67 knife-related crimes recorded in the city centre and 15 firearms incidents.

The day of action in Centenary Square was organised by Police Constable Rory Romani, of the West Yorkshire Police Think Life Not Knife campaign, Bradford South NPT and Bradford College.

Leaflets were handed out and imitation guns and knives were on display with police on hand to educate people about the consequences of gun and knife crime, not only for the victims but for the perpetrators themselves.

PC Romani said: “When I did a talk at the college we came up with the idea of a day of action.

“We are out here spreading the message. My children live in this city, I live in this city and I want to make it a safe place for us, and my future grandchildren.”

Emma Kemp, 18, who goes to Bradford College, was just 14 when she was stabbed at her home.

An eight-inch deep wound piercing her diaphragm and liver left her in hospital for eight months.

She said: “Knives are dangerous and they ruin lives, not just of one person, but of the whole family and the community.”