An accident investigator duped magistrates by appearing in Court three times under a false identity.

Banned driver Antony Davies gave police the name of lifelong friend Mark Riley when he was stopped in Halifax Road, Keighley, for driving without insurance.

Davies, 38, panicked when he was caught behind the wheel in November 2008 during a three-year disqualification for drink-driving, Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday.

He attended three times at Bingley Magistrates Court under the name of the unsuspecting Mr Riley, prosecutor Nikki Peers said.

Davies, of Commercial Street, Leeds, did not turn up when “Mr Riley” was fined £500 and awarded eight penalty points on his licence.

Miss Peers said that on September 18 last year, Davies was again illegally at the wheel when he was involved in an accident on Horton Grange Road, Bradford.

He left the scene on foot but police found the name Mark Riley in the car.

The deception was uncovered when officers visited Mr Riley, who had to attend court to have his conviction overturned.

Davies’ barrister, Ian Howard, said his client had poor thinking skills and panicked.

He had built up a successful business investigating claims on behalf of insurance companies, and if he went to jail, his partner and their young child would suffer, the court heard.

Recorder of Bradford, Judge James Stewart QC, told Davies: “You were within a hair’s breadth of immediately going to prison.”

Davies was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment suspended for two years, with a year’s supervision and 100 hours’ unpaid work. He must obey a three-month overnight curfew and pay £670 legal costs. He was banned from driving for two years.

“Think yourself extremely lucky. You come back before me and down you go,” Judge Stewart told him.