Two down-to-earth Yorkshire grannies will feature in a new campaign to convince consumers that their water bills are not money down the drain.

The Edna and Mary characters are the centrepiece of Bradford-based Yorkshire Water’s new ‘Ow Much? campaign to explain water bills.

The publicity drive has been launched after research showed that nearly four in ten customers did not know what they are paying for or what they get for their money.

The campaign will clarify ’Ow Much customers in the region actually get for less than a £1 a day. The first TV commercial will be broadcast on Easter Monday.

Spokesman Robert Salmon said: “It’s important to us that our customers understand what they get for their water bill and this is particularly important in the current economic climate.

“Edna and Mary are helping us to address this awareness gap and to tell people where their money goes in a way that is both funny and memorable.”