Textile firm Hainsworths is bringing a splash of colour to its blanket range to introduce the benefits of wool to the younger generation.

For centuries the company has been creating beautiful blankets for high-calibre clients such as the Royal household – one of its top-end cashmere blankets retails at £3,000 in Harrods.

Now the Stanningley company is reaching out to the younger generation with its latest fashionable and affordable collection within the John Atkinson brand.

The eco-friendly colourful blankets have been designed with those seeking affordable interior fashion in mind.

Managing director Tom Hainsworth said wool was a hardy product with blankets lasting a lifetime and bringing a wealth of health and environmental benefits too.

He said that they are fully sustainable and biodegradable and, being a natural performance fibre, wool helps regulate body temperature keeping people cool in summer and warm in winter. Research suggests sleeping under wool lowers people’s heart rate.

Mr Hainsworth, the seventh generation at the helm, said: “What we are trying to do is bring wool blankets into a new audience and make it more attractive to a younger group. It tends to be a fibre which has almost missed a generation because people have not known the benefits of wool.”