Free school meals could be provided for all primary schools for one year starting in September as part of a Government pilot scheme.

Bradford Council’s executive today approved a bid to be made to the Department for Schools and Families for Bradford to become a pilot authority to provide free school meals to all primary schools.

Councillors approved the Council’s participation in the pilot, in the event of Bradford’s bid being successful.

But Bradford Council leader Councillor Kris Hopkins said council tax would have to rise by five per cent if the electorate expected free school meals following the initial funding, which would be for one year only.

He said: “I don’t have a problem about endorsing this, but I think we have to have an honest conversation with our public about what expectations there are for year two. The people of the district will effectively have to increase their Council Tax by about five per cent to accommodate that.”

A report to the executive said: “Due to the tight timescale prescribed by the DCSF, Bradford has submitted a bid subject to the Council executive’s approval; participation in the pilot would also be subject to consultation with individual schools on their capacity to support the pilot.

“The Government has indicated that decisions on the bids will be received by Easter.”

The objectives of the pilot are to establish whether extending the provision would reduce obesity, change eating habits at home, impact on behaviour and academic performance at school, improve school standards and improve general health and well-being.

The report stated: “It is expected that participation in the pilot will bring district wide benefits in terms of improvements in measures of educational attainment and health indicators.”

Councillor Dale Smith, deputy leader of the Council, said the effect the pilot had on pupils should be monitored.

The report stated in 2008 the Government announced the intention to run pilots from September, 2010.

The pilot is to run for one year only and a key criteria for successful bids is that the authority is able to match-fund the scheme.