A retired couple are spending their holidays providing vital support to Gambian schoolchildren.

Ken Duesbery, 70, and Jean Peterson, 67, from Idle, regularly visit the African country. They were originally drawn by the weather but have grown fond of the place and the people.

The quality of education facilities for the country’s children struck a chord with the couple, who also volunteer with the Gambian Education and Training Service.

Mr Duesbery, his partner, and a group of their friends have given Swallows Community Nursery School, in Tallinding, Kunjang, much-needed pens, pencils, notebooks and medicines along with a cash donation.

The school, set up on a temporary site, has no running water or electricity and relies on donations.

Mr Duesbery said: “They do need the money, they are trying to make it a permanent school.

“It’s in a building they’ve built themselves, with sticks and a corrugated roof.

“They can’t take any more children now, it only has two classrooms.”

He said after staying regularly in a hotel in the capital Banjul, he got to know one of its security guards who works at the school.

“We got to know the area and the people and wanted to do something to help,” he said. “We keep going back and we keep busy when we’re there.

“It would do some of our children good to live there for a month, away from computer games, and see how these children live – they’re all so pleasant and happy and they have nothing apart from what they stand up in.”

Anyone who would like to help can contact Mr Duesbery by e-mail at kensitas21@talktalk.net.