An artist who started teaching art online, via YouTube, while being treated for cancer has launched a gallery showcasing his work.

Michael Munton is setting up art classes at the gallery, in Idle, and aims to display and sell the work of his students.

He started teaching art after leaving hospital where he was being treated for a terminal brain tumour.

“When I came out of hospital I did some painting demonstrations on YouTube and got quite a following,” said Michael, 34. “It became an online art class and, for me, it was a form of therapy. I find painting relaxing and it connects me with the natural world. I focus on natural landscapes and find that painting nature gets me back to the real world.”

A keen walker, Michael is inspired by rural landscapes of the Dales and places around the district.

He said: “Painting makes me feel at one with nature. I’ve called the gallery Natural Wonders because the artwork focuses on natural landscapes.

“I’m always on the lookout and Yorkshire has some beautiful images for me to capture with my camera, then paint. I like to paint well-known places and put my own twist on them. I’m a fan of both contemporary and traditional styles and I’m inspired by artists like Turner, Constable and Bob Ross.”

The gallery, on Idle High Street, features abstract and more traditional paintings of places such as Otley Chevin, The Strid at Bolton Abbey, Malham Cove, Niagra Falls, Alaskan mountains and Amazon rainforests. Michael aims to teach art in rooms at the gallery. He said: “I’m going for small classes because I can give more one-on-one attention. The idea is to teach and put students’ work in the gallery, where it will go on sale.’’ Michael, who has been painting since childhood, started teaching art 20 years ago and has taught and sold artwork across the UK and Europe. Initially supported by a grant from the Prince’s Trust, he was invited to Buckingham Palace where he was presented with a Prince’s Trust Young Achievers Award by the Queen.

For more information about Michael’s art classes, and the Natural Wonders Gallery, ring 07790 694537 or 07804 798577, or visit