There’s entertainment – and then there’s Formula One.

I didn’t think it was possible to make motor racing any more tedious. So well done those involved in drawing up the new rules for this season.

The Bahrain Grand Prix was effectively over a day before it begun. Ferrari took one-two in qualifying and then led the procession round lap after boring lap.

We should not be surprised. This is the sport, after all, where Jenson Button suddenly goes from one-hit wonder to racing driver supreme.

The fact he was at the steering wheel of the best car obviously never came into it.

Watch how many he wins this time. Or rather, don’t bother.

Fernando Alonso, who won the Bahrain bore-athon, summed up the grey, coldness of the so-called sport.

“This is Formula One. This is about technology, about how precise everything is in terms of driver, mechanics, engineering, everything.

“So people that want extra show, maybe they should reconsider whether they want to watch Formula One.”

You’re bang on, senor. Though I doubt a career in motor racing PR awaits.