Master boxer Manny Pacquiao’s recent win was another magnificent procession.

Fair play to Joshua Clottey for still standing after taking so much punishment – Pacman threw well over 1,000 punches.

But as a spectacle it was predictably one-sided, as Pacquiao won every round. Only Floyd Mayweather gets anywhere near this guy – if only he would inside a boxing ring some time soon.

The striking image from the night, though, was not boxing’s “Special One” slipping through the gears in front of 51,000 adoring fans.

What caught my eye was the incredible jumbo screen monitor at the Cowboys Stadium in Texas.

Its dimensions are mind- boggling at 160ft by 72ft. To put that into perspective, it stretches from the 20-yard line at one end of the American football pitch to the 20-yard line at the other!

Imagine playing an X-box on that… I feel sorry for those who paid through the nose to watch Pacquiao from ring-side seats. They’d have seen a lot more of the fight in row ZZ.