A total of 260 years service, given to the Poppy Appeal by Addingham Royal British Legion members, was marked earlier this month.

John Sayles, the county chairman, presented long service awards to eight ladies of the Women’s Section and appeal organiser John Robertshaw.

Mary Readshaw was awarded a brooch with a 60-year bar while Jean Hartley received a brooch with a 55-year bar.

Mr Robertshaw was presented with a 20-year badge for his service. The branch raised a record of more than £5,000 last year.

Branch secretary Nigel Pitchforth said: “The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have brought extra pressure on the Royal British Legion.

“Whether re-settlement funding for disabled servicemen or mobility aids for ex-servicemen and women or their families or care or respite for ex-servicemen’s widows and partners, the Legion is there to help."