Fire chiefs will celebrate their partnership with the British Red Cross after new figures revealed 277 people and animals affected by fire were supported by the organisation last year.

The strength of the scheme has been bolstered by a £30,000 support vehicle, paid for by Brit Insurance, which was called out 81 times last year.

Red Cross fire and emergency response service co-ordinator Norman Brickley said: “Every year hundreds of people across the county suffer damage to their home following a fire, flood or similar incident so it’s important that we are there to offer support.

“Our partnership with the West Yorkshire Fire Service has gone from strength to strength over the years and the addition of the Brit Insurance vehicle means we can offer a more efficient service.”

Since the vehicle was bought two years ago it has helped nearly 500 people.

The caravanette-style vehicle, run by 33 volunteers, provides support to people in West Yorkshire affected by fire, flooding or evacuations.

It is equipped with items including non-perishable food and clothes.

A spokesman for a family helped by the vehicle in 2009 said: “We were at a loss, in shock, with no idea what to do after the fire, until it was suggested by the Fire Service that we use the British Red Cross to help us.

“They were brilliant, gave us warmth and helped us with insurance advice.”

A pilot scheme which ran last year and involved fire safety officers acting as Red Cross volunteers during their day shift and Red Cross volunteers being called out at night has also been hailed a success. A Red Cross spokesman said it was likely to be extended.

A fire service spokesman said: “This is a wonderful support service and we are very proud to work with them. We are sure their service is appreciated by many victims of fire.”

Brit Insurance North East regional manager David Kelly was due to meet community fire safety officers and Red Cross volunteers today at Idle fire station to celebrate the success of their 12-year partnership.
