Communities will get help to buy their local pubs in a bid to halt the 13 closures a year across Bradford.

Red tape will also be cut and business support offered to help struggling local boozers diversify by adding shops and post offices on site.

And the Government is also moving to reduce the impact of beer ties, which force landlords to buy their beer from a small number of large pub companies at higher prices and makes it harder for them to remain competitive.

The plans have been drawn up by Licensing Minister and Bradford South MP Gerry Sutcliffe and Pubs Minister John Healey after campaigners called on the Government to stem the tide of closures across the UK.

That includes 52 pubs across the district between 2005 and 2009. Nationally, 2,365 pubs were forced to close across the UK last year leaving 24,000 workers jobless.

The Government has admitted that the smoking ban has contributed to the closure of pubs, but says the economic downturn, changing social habits and rising costs have also played a role.

It has set up a £3.3m pot to fund business support and provide funding to match the cash residents raise for community buyouts.

Mr Sutcliffe said: “The British pub is important to us all, including private members clubs.

“Anyone saying you can save every pub is wrong. People’s drinking habits have changed and this has to be recognised. I sat on the working group on this and I am really pleased with the work that is going to on with landlords and public companies.”

Councils will also be given new powers through the planning system to intervene before a pub is demolished to give locals a chance to come up with a plan to save the business.

Other measures, such as loosening music licence requirements and ploughing £1m in to the advice service Pub Is The Hub, to allow it to provide specialist advice on business support and diversification, are also part of the package.

Mr Healey said: “This package of tough, practical measures aims to put some real support behind our community pubs, giving publicans more support to diversify and punters more choice. We need and can do more to support our pubs which can be at the heart of a local community.

“The measures are a much needed shot in the arm for publicans. They will make it easier to diversify, lower costs and cut red tape when it comes to branching out. It is also a boost for local communities, giving them a greater stake in the future of their local pubs.”