A team from Bingley-based brain tumour charity Andrea’s Gift will lobby the House of Commons on Tuesday to get more funding for research.

Among them will be Ian Meek, a 40-year-old brain tumour patient who has been invited to the event to share his views on the lack of funding, few treatment options and the plight of brain tumour patients with the Speaker, MPs and other guests.

In 1995 Ian was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Married to Sally with three children, Ian counts himself one of the lucky ones because he has survived this long. In 2009 the tumour changed and became malignant and Ian was forced to undergo further surgery to remove part of the tumour.

He is currently undergoing an intensive period of chemotherapy whilst training for the famous national three peaks challenge to raise funds for Yorkshire brain tumour charity, Andrea’s Gift. His aim is to raise £25,000 to support Yorkshire’s first brain tumour research lab, which will open in the summer.

Among the key objectives of tomorrow’s trip will be to demand a better deal for people with brain tumours and their families. The reception will see a unique gathering of families, doctors and charities from around the country lobbying their MPs.

Campaigners involved in the reception want to see: more resources being allocated to vital research. Brain tumours, one of the most aggressive cancers, lose out compared to other cancers. For example, the National Cancer Research Institute spends less than two per cent of its research budget on brain tumours a commitment by Government to help establish a working group to review how UK research funding is allocated across the different disease types.

Carol Robertson, charity development manager for Andrea’s Gift, said: “We desperately need more money put into research so we can continue to try and find a cure for brain tumours which is why we are co-funding the lab in Leeds with Candlelighters children’s cancer charity. Both charities are committed to funding this initiative and have agreed to give £750,000 to the project.

“The last 30 years has seen some real progress in the treatment of breast cancer, leukaemia and other cancers. We want to see similar progress for brain tumour patients.’’ For more information about the charity log on to andreasgift.org.uk.