NHS Bradford and Airedale is rated by its workforce as one of the best in the country for its employment and working conditions, according to results of the annual NHS staff survey published this week by the Care Quality Commission.

The aim of the survey is to give NHS trusts throughout the country the feedback they need to improve employment practices.

The 2009 NHS staff survey provides 40 key findings about working in the NHS. NHS Bradford and Airedale scored average and above in 27, with ten being in the best 20 per cent of national PCTs.

John Chuter, chairman of NHS Bradford and Airedale, said: “These results show that we are taking up our responsibility under the NHS Constitution to provide staff with a high quality working environment.

“We are not complacent and the results of this survey will help us to build on this success and tackle those areas where we have further progress to make.’’ Fay Davies, workforce development manager for NHS Bradford and Airedale, said: “The findings show that the majority of our staff would recommend NHS Bradford and Airedale as a good place to work or to receive treatment, and they get the support they need through appraisal and personal development plans to deliver the best possible patient care.

“They also show 88 per cent of our workforce agrees their role makes a difference to patients.”

Sandra Knight, director of human resources, said: “We are proud at Bradford District Care Trust to have staff who are motivated and feel satisfied with the quality of care they deliver.

“We recognise that committed, motivated and highly skilled staff are key to deliver high standards of care.’’