An alleged gunman accused of blasting one man to death and shooting another was out on licence at the time of the offence, a Court was told today.

Ernest Wright, 68, of Howarth Crescent, Bradford, denies murdering Neville Corby and badly injuring his partner Craig Freear a year ago.

The couple were in dispute with the defendant over benefits payments made to Mr Freear’s disabled 57-year-old mother, who lived in the flat below Wright, Newcastle Crown Court has heard.

Closing the prosecution case yesterday, Richard Mansell QC, read a statement to the jury.

It said: “On March 30, 2009, the accused Ernest Leslie Wright was on licence having served a sentence of imprisonment.

“As a consequence of that status, he was liable to be recalled to prison in a number of circumstances, including if he was suspected of a criminal offence.”

The jury was not told the nature of Wright’s offence which led him to be jailed, then released on licence.

The court has heard Wright burst into the men’s home in Ashbourne Road, Bradford, on March 30 last year and ‘executed’ Mr Corby by shooting him in the neck from close range.

Mr Freear, hiding in the bathroom, was hit by a shot fired through the door, but managed to survive by escaping out of the window.

The jury has been told Wright, who calls himself Les, fled after the shooting and was arrested 30 days later.

Wearing a blue checked shirt and chinos, he began giving evidence in his defence and said Mr Freear’s mother Melissa Crocker was his friend and she never had any money.

He said Mr Corby was aggressive and left her in tears after one visit.

“She was upset, crying,” Wright said. “I felt sorry for her.”

Wright knew her benefits were being paid to her son who managed her affairs, and later he said she agreed to pay them into his own account.

The case was adjourned until tomorrow.