A controlling and obsessive man, who bit and punched his girlfriend and took a meat cleaver to the hostel where she had sought refuge, has been branded a ‘considerable risk’ to women by a judge.

Jailing Steven Stamp for four years at Bradford Crown Court yesterday, Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC said his victim was petrified of him and under his control.

Stamp, 30, had been living with the 35-year-old woman for two years at the time of the offences last July. Prosecutor Louise Azmi said the defendant accused her of being unfaithful, threatened to punch her and bit her on the shoulder.

When she began to cry he ordered her to be quiet.

The following day the victim returned home and Stamp was hiding at the side of the house. He went inside, bolted the door and turned off the lights. He then put his hand over the woman’s mouth and pushed her to the floor. She banged her head on a chest of drawers and started crying.

When she tried to escape she was pushed down again.

Mrs Azmi said it was the Crown’s case that Stamp kicked her in the stomach and then in the face as she tried to get up. Stamp admitted punching her but denied kicking her. The woman suffered cuts and bruises. Stamp was arrested, interviewed and released on police bail.

His girlfriend decided to end the relationship and went to live in a hostel, but kept in contact with him.

On August 6 he went to the hostel and tapped on her kitchen window with a meat cleaver, leaving her frightened.

He was arrested again two weeks later and was in possession of two bags of amphetamines.

Stamp, of Ashgrove, Great Horton, had a number of convictions for battery and assault and in 1999 received six years in custody for robbery.

His barrister, Gerald Hendron, said no long-lasting injuries had been caused. Stamp pleaded guilty to charges of assault causing bodily harm and one of possessing an offensive weapon.

Judge Durham Hall said Stamp had difficulty treating people properly and women in a relationship with him were vulnerable.

The judge said the defendant had a history of abuse and controlling and inappropriate behaviour in the relationship.

The offence with the meat cleaver was sinister and the other assault, in which he imprisoned his victim, was gratuitous.