A youth group which used to brave bad weather to hold its meetings outside will receive an award after securing a regular meeting place for young people in Harden village.

Harden Youth Group will be given a Shipley Community Heroes award after showing motivation and commitment to making life better for young people in the area.

Senior youth worker Anthony Casson said: “We submitted our nomination for the group’s hard work in terms of their commitment.

“They have worked really closely with the parish council on the possibility of developing a youth shelter but the council was so impressed with the young people they found a way of providing space at Harden Memorial Hall for them to meet.”

Mr Casson said the group was grateful to Bradford Councillor Dame Margaret Eaton (Con, Bingley Rural) and Council area manager for children’s services Christine Clavering for their help in securing the meeting place.

And he said although most of the group were now at the older end of the 13 to 19 age group, they were still committed to providing for young people.

“They are very focused on trying to establish something for the new generation of young people,” he said. “They have really shown great commitment and determination to making things better.

“The young people had been meeting outside in rain, sleet and snow with the youth workers. They were still meeting even when they had nowhere to go.”

The awards scheme is run by the Council’s Shipley area committee.

Area co-ordinator Chris Flecknoe said: “Although we often read negative stories about young people, Harden Youth Group are an excellent example of young people who are working with the parish council and Bradford Council’s Integrated Youth Support Service, to consult other young people and work towards improving the facilities for young people in the village of Harden.”

Harden Youth Group welcomes new members aged 13 to 19. Young people can drop in to the sessions on Tuesdays from 6.30pm to 9.30pm or phone the Bingley Youth Project on (01274) 562800 for more information.

The group will join others receiving Shipley Community Heroes awards at a ceremony on Thursday, March 25, at Victoria Hall, Saltaire.