A project to improve an NHS trust’s transport systems has saved in excess of £1m and scooped a national award.

NHS Bradford and Airedale is a winner of the 2010 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Knowledge Transfer Partnership prize for the Best Application of Social or Management Science.

The project aimed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Trust’s transport systems. It was developed in a collaboration between Dr David Bamford, of the University of Manchester and NHS Bradford and Airedale As well as saving money, the project also led to improved health care and significant reductions in the trust’s carbon footprint, said the judges.

The project involved reviewing all the transport needs of NHS Bradford and Airedale, including patient services, deliveries and taxi contracts. The savings realised for the health trust and its partners, including Bradford Council, are more than £1,072,000.

Jim Bamford, service improvement manager at NHS Bradford and Airedale, said: “We are delighted to have won the award. The project was not just about reviewing the transport needs of the local population, it was also about getting better health outcomes for patients. In addition, by reducing the amount of vehicles on the road, we will in turn have a positive impact on reducing our carbon footprint.”

Improved health services have been shown through pilot projects utilising community transport for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (DRS) patients and stroke patients attending a communication group. Stroke patients outlined a key benefit of the group was meeting others with similar conditions which is not feasible via home visits.